1/31/09 ♥
Nothing to do today for i am feeling BORED.BORED,BORED! Nothing to do i can just lie on the bed and do nothing is either that or i go and learn how to take photographs and that is the wierdest thing to do during the weekend and i can't go down to rollerblade cause i don;t have a pair of rollerbaldes and i can't afford one! So sad but nevermind i will be able to find something to do for today:)-EthylWong-
You got me, Lovestruck
@ 19:05
Today nothing else to do but then have to babysit (haiyo) but nevermind i am ok with it for my two cousins Clarice and Sean. Nevermind larh ma fan de but i like it cause i have'nt seen them for a very long time and they have grown so fast!! I can hardly recongnise them over the past years that have gone. So sad only can see them for like a day only!!! This one so Cute Clarice. This one Sean also very Cute.
You got me, Lovestruck
@ 05:36
1/30/09 ♥
Well to start off the blog entry, nothing really happened today execpt that i have given up my hopes of ever finding a relationship with someone but i really wanted to state with him but does not even know that i like him!!! So sad lorz anyway today after class help Mr Sim clean up class until 2.30 then he go meeting hiyo, during that time Farysha they all have fight(diao) don't know even over what sey and somemore Farysha such a Flirt so wu liao lor have boyfriend already still want to flirt!! Makes me damn irritated!!! Still say what larh..... nevermind no need to say just in case he is looking at this post and Hei tang if you know who am i talking about you must not say at taggboard ok? thanks!:)-EthylWong-
You got me, Lovestruck
@ 02:02
1/29/09 ♥
Today in School was Quite boring cause the Secondary Ones and Secondary Fours had to play one game. Diao. Well the rest of the day i did nothing else but Study, Study, Eat and Study!!! Especially Maths class i Nearly fell asleep and i was about to die in there because the teacher is just so boring(no offence) and then we still got scolding by Mr Lim Wu liao and to make things worse we ALSO got scolding from Mr Sim. Oh my god if you count the times we got scolding you will think that we are a bunch of idiots right but that is what i like about our class for i think that the class is a very funny yet creative class to work with right? So those people who are in my class you know what i mean and remember to prepare yourself cause tomorrow is PE day!!!!!!-EthylWong-
You got me, Lovestruck
@ 03:11
1/25/09 ♥
Ethyl Here ready to say that i am very happy that i went into Dunman secondary school for i have made really good friends and i am just so happ that i made friends with Shantoshini and Hannah for they are really wonderful friends and i am really lovin it!!!!EthylWong
You got me, Lovestruck
@ 19:13
come to know me, come & get to know me.

The name is ETHYL. Pronounced similar to Apple
I'm in love with Stickies, they make me melt.
I'm a die-hard fan of Cadbury Chocolate. ><
I despise people with attitude. The world would be sucha better place without them all.
bold strikethrough underlined italic
Sweet Desires.
it's my wishes baby, grant it for me.
Ben & Jerry's Ice-Cream
Go chalet with friends again
Dye my hair.
Live happily ever after with *insert name*
Go Brisbane.
Go to K-Box with loved ones
Part Time Job
Become my real-self
Change of hairstyle
Non-Stop Movie Marathon
1/31/09 ♥
Nothing to do today for i am feeling BORED.BORED,BORED! Nothing to do i can just lie on the bed and do nothing is either that or i go and learn how to take photographs and that is the wierdest thing to do during the weekend and i can't go down to rollerblade cause i don;t have a pair of rollerbaldes and i can't afford one! So sad but nevermind i will be able to find something to do for today:)-EthylWong-
You got me, Love Struck
@ 19:05
Today nothing else to do but then have to babysit (haiyo) but nevermind i am ok with it for my two cousins Clarice and Sean. Nevermind larh ma fan de but i like it cause i have'nt seen them for a very long time and they have grown so fast!! I can hardly recongnise them over the past years that have gone. So sad only can see them for like a day only!!! This one so Cute Clarice. This one Sean also very Cute.
You got me, Love Struck
@ 05:36
1/30/09 ♥
Well to start off the blog entry, nothing really happened today execpt that i have given up my hopes of ever finding a relationship with someone but i really wanted to state with him but does not even know that i like him!!! So sad lorz anyway today after class help Mr Sim clean up class until 2.30 then he go meeting hiyo, during that time Farysha they all have fight(diao) don't know even over what sey and somemore Farysha such a Flirt so wu liao lor have boyfriend already still want to flirt!! Makes me damn irritated!!! Still say what larh..... nevermind no need to say just in case he is looking at this post and Hei tang if you know who am i talking about you must not say at taggboard ok? thanks!:)-EthylWong-
You got me, Love Struck
@ 02:02
1/29/09 ♥
Today in School was Quite boring cause the Secondary Ones and Secondary Fours had to play one game. Diao. Well the rest of the day i did nothing else but Study, Study, Eat and Study!!! Especially Maths class i Nearly fell asleep and i was about to die in there because the teacher is just so boring(no offence) and then we still got scolding by Mr Lim Wu liao and to make things worse we ALSO got scolding from Mr Sim. Oh my god if you count the times we got scolding you will think that we are a bunch of idiots right but that is what i like about our class for i think that the class is a very funny yet creative class to work with right? So those people who are in my class you know what i mean and remember to prepare yourself cause tomorrow is PE day!!!!!!-EthylWong-
You got me, Love Struck
@ 03:11
1/25/09 ♥
Ethyl Here ready to say that i am very happy that i went into Dunman secondary school for i have made really good friends and i am just so happ that i made friends with Shantoshini and Hannah for they are really wonderful friends and i am really lovin it!!!!EthylWong
You got me, Love Struck
@ 19:13
Name Ethyl
Location Singapore
Bio Konichiwa, pleasure to meet you. You're stucked at my blog atm. To exit, click the X on the top-right corner of your screen. Yes, that one in red.
You can actually place your music codes here too.
The navigation will not interrupt your song, it'll continuous play :)
Mixpod.com or YouTube.com probably?