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3/31/09 ♥

Woke up at 6.35 today and went straight to school. Cause at home quite boring larh so went to school to have fun. Reached school at 7.30 saw Cindy and Jie Yu playing at the classroom cause only the two of them then we play play until we sing song. The song we also write on the board it goes like this:

xi shua shua xi shua shua x4
xi shua shua ivan
xi shua shua mei qi
xi shua shua ooh ooh X2
xia shua shua!

Quite boring larh the song(:

8.25 all assemble at the parade ground there to sun tan our selves. Haiz so hot sia. Then after assembly went to canteen to do Vocab test, after test went to Design and Technology room to do our project for our restuarant which is called... Matalian. After recess went straight for Mother Tounge class quite boring larh had spelling then finish lesson go back to class. Went for Maths lesson maths lesson quite fun larh except the part when Widya was shivering. I pity her man. Then Yaqub asked me "Ethyl why Widya most of the time get sickness huh?" then i was like"Beacause her body is not that strong" then Jie Yu heard me and Yaqub talking then she say"Eh my Grandmother so skinny and thin how come she not sick leh?" then Yaqub say "you want to know why cause your grandmother always carry books One book... Two book" then i kept laughing until water was like coming out of my eyes then Ivan also laugh then Mrs Wee go and scold me she almost make me go to Detention. Heng arh before she scolded me it was time for me to go for Health Check-Up! Then so xian i was the last girl to go in sia. Then after school go to D and T for project then come back from school at 4.00 so late.


You got me, Lovestruck
@ 01:50

3/25/09 ♥

Woke up today at 6.00, Reached school at 6.54 then waited for Shilli and Candy.

7.20 had school concert to attend. Watched the indonesian people perform and such okok larh the performance then one performance quite funny cause from the whole time they performed on stage until they stopped thier heads were shaking and moving which was quite funny and then while they were speaking on stage i was not so sure if it was Tamil Language or another Language but the concert was good larhs. 10.00 Lesson quite boring larhs.


You got me, Lovestruck
@ 03:52

3/19/09 ♥

Woke up at 7.00 today for Red Cross Training haiz very tiring. Keep asking us to fall in and fall out haiz anyway still fun larh then i always make alot of mistakes.

After school went to Tampines to have lunch with Cindy and go to watch movie but so sad Shantho never come to watch with us haiz anyway went to watch the movie"Hotel For Dogs" so cute sia the movie cause all the dogs so cute. After movie end. Kor call to ask if can go to E!Hub to play bowling and play arcade. Haiz. So pai se i was the only girl. the rest all boys.

Went home at 6.00 so late nearly got punished.

Every minute with you is like being in Heaven.

You got me, Lovestruck
@ 04:10

3/17/09 ♥

Went to school at 7.00 so damn tired, then reach school met Cindy and Naura. Went out of the school to walk for a while cause reached school early. Then went back to class to rehearse out M.E.L musical Haiz our teacher so strict, never give us any break today cause focusing on the assesment.Haiz then arh the whole 1H2 was like OMG please not our group first please not our group first.Then Hunters group so pai se cause have to do for dunno how many times like 3 to 4 times cause the first few times not good then the third time do again because for Chin How.Haiz. He was not in a good mood today larhs.

After school went to Tampinese with Cindy and Zheng Guang somemore thi Zheng Guang said that he would only go if Cindy Treat him.Haha.Go Macdonalds then go shopping then Zheng Guang drag us to ToysRus to look around,Then we say ok larh after that go to Cinema to look at what movie to watch. 2.00 headed for home.

Every minute with you is like being in heaven.

You got me, Lovestruck
@ 03:46

3/15/09 ♥

Haiz today so damn boring other then seeing my father lift weights i did nothing today.Haiz cannot go to the beach cause raining and friends are not free so sad. Good thing there is school tomorrow can practise the Musical thingy but i pray that Ivan would not play a fool and concentrate on the script. Haiz pray for me.

Every munite wiht you is like being in heaven.

You got me, Lovestruck
@ 01:40

3/14/09 ♥

Nothing to do today cause stay at home so boring haiz. Should have asked Shantho and Cindy to go to the Beach. So boring here at home then somemore nobody to play with downstairs.Haiz i am so damn bored.

Every minute with you is like being in heaven.

You got me, Lovestruck
@ 00:36

3/13/09 ♥

Ran for 2.4 Km today for P.e so wu liao de lorhs. Haiz did not know that this time 1H the class running would be so scary. First poor Widya and Naura. They were both injured, Widya was shivering when she finished the race, Naura fell down and both were sent to the hospital for checking up. I Pray that they will be alright.

After school went to the Bubble Tea shop with Shantho, Cindy and Ismah for Lunch. After lunch went back to school to meet ling lao shi do homework. Haiz. After that went fot something else so fun sia. Reach home, Body ache like hell!!!

Every minute with you is like being in heaven.

You got me, Lovestruck
@ 03:09

3/12/09 ♥

Today school so boring larh. M.E.L also have common test eh walao so boring then Maths common test quite easy larh. Except the part i kana scolding by Mr Hasmi walao i did not eve talk at all sia.

Then after school, Went for counselling with Shantho... I can't believe that i like the counselling session sey i thought that the counselling session would be lam but in the end i turned out great.

Every Minute with you is like being in heaven.

You got me, Lovestruck
@ 02:20

3/11/09 ♥

Today in school did nothing except the English and Mother Tounge Composition Common Test. Quite boring,Write until my hand so damn pain. During maths period Ivan a bit more siao then usual i think he ate the wrong medicine. Cause today i NEARLY got detention good thing Mrs Wee in a good mood today(: Cause my class alot of people want to support the netball competition then Mrs Wee say that"ok those who are going to support the Netball competition please go". Then almost half the class qiong out of the room. The Mrs Wee ask the Girls"Have you told your parents that you are going for the competition?" Then Syabilla Say"Ya." Then Ivan say "No! i tell my wife." Then me and Jie Yu keep laughing then kana scolding walao. Mrs Wee say Ethyl you siao is it? Laugh so loud then kana Pai Se lorh haiz. That is my boring day of school. But funny larh.


Every Minuute with you is like being in Heaven.

You got me, Lovestruck
@ 01:11

3/7/09 ♥

Today Shantho's Birthday.So bring her out to E!Hub go have lunch and go shopping(:
Ask Jie Yu to come not free. Ask Cindy go Malaysia.Haiz so took photos and want to post(:

Shantho Drinking Coke.(:Our SuperDog Table Number.(:Me and Shantho.(:Me doing the "V".(:

This Shantho arh, Walk like Supermodel like that(:Shantho's Bitrhday Cake. BTW I paid for it.(:Playing with Fire.(:Best Friends.(:

You got me, Lovestruck
@ 05:28

Woke up at 5.55 haiz. During school very boring.

After school, at 2.30 went for Learning Journey. Quite fun larh first boarded the bus to the places.In the bus very fun we keep taking pictures of each other then Mr Sim show the Freakshow face larh cause his muscles can stretch further then us very scary. In Bus took alot of photos and then after that on the way to the Chinese temple, Teacher say that the females go through the door by the feamale side of the lion and the male the same right? Then i heard Farysha say something like"merepek" or whatever way you spell it while the teacher say that is like so direspectful of the chinese culture.Sorry to Say.

The one above is Widya. And the boys here are Irfan and Ozie.(:This is my Worksheet(:Again my Worksheet(:

Me and Shantho Again...(:Aiyo ask her to take photo, go and look at our instructor.(:Zheng Guang and Ivan... Don't know that i took thier photo.(:Mr Sim and Firman(The tiny guy standing in front of Mr Sim) So cute Firman.(:

You got me, Lovestruck
@ 04:59

3/4/09 ♥

Woke up at 6.00 got dressed, and headed for School. Reached school at 6.45 waited for Shantho and Cindy to some but in the End Shantho was sick and could not come to school. Get well soon Shantho. Anyway, During CMT Mr Muzzamir thought us about manners and stuff.Lol. When CMT ended, Miss Tang and Miss Hannah Yeo came for M.E.L lessons. Today Miss Hannah Yeo and Miss Tang thought us about how to make up our own songs and Sound effects for our musical. I will count as a midterm and if we don't do it we will fail our M.E.L. 12.30 Was maths lesson, was so boring and i did a little doodling of Mrs Wee. Yaqub and Zheng Guang also did that and the 2 guys played with my UHU Glue until no more. Haiz they better pay me back my money! Lols.

After school at 2.00 went for D&T detention haiz. So xian even Zhi Yang also say that Lols. After that went to White Sand with Shantho to buy A Sex Band and a ring.


Bought these things on Tuesday if i'm not wrong i think(:

You got me, Lovestruck
@ 23:22

Today wae up at 5.55, got dressed and headed for school. Reach school already, met Shantho but so sad she is sick! Pity you.After we had a drink went to school parade ground.On the way down met up with Zhi Yang dunno what he was trying to tell me!(: So sorry(: My bad. 8.00 went for art lesson... quite boring but when we started to do painting then fun. Hunters guild was like so messy and early damaged the whole class room! Good thing that Mr Sim was in a good mood today or else he would have made us stay back and clean up the class room. 9.00 went to the Computer Lab and play the world maths day programme. Mr Sim secretly help some of us to do the world maths day. Then at 10.00 got scolding. Cause one of my idiot classmate(no offence) went to miniclip, Mr Sim ask told that person to own up but then stubborn don't want haiz. Mr Sim also very fed up then send us all back home.

After school, Shantho companied me back home and we watch movie so fun on the way to the bus stop took 2 photos that was also quite fun except the part that we had to say good bye so sad but at least today have fun and on friday even more fun! You should know why Shantho..(: Haiz after say good bye then do nothing already... again todayso boring.....


This is me and Shantho my new Best Friend.....(: She very pretty right? Please say yes.This is Shantho-Going solo... Ha Ha but she is very very pretty don't you agree?

You got me, Lovestruck
@ 03:42

3/3/09 ♥

Reached School,Learned Vocabulary and not so hard larh today's Vocab. After that went for D&T so boring sey. During recess keep talking alot about Shantho's Birthday Party.After school need to do a test but good thing teacher postponed the test to Monday!(:

After talking to teacher then was supposed to meet Shantho at the Library. But in the End we P.S So sorry Shantho!(: Hope you except my sincere apology(:

Good thing tomorrow only halfday!(:


You got me, Lovestruck
@ 01:51

3/2/09 ♥

During School so boring man i hate Mondays walao must wear a irritating tie.During school hours Me,Shantho talk and talk and talk like crazy people. While waiting for Fishy to come we sit on Mr Sim's table then i halfway talking to Shantho then Don took the Balloon pump which he found and blew it at my ear i was shocked i nearly fainted. So scared i thought a ghost was behind me sia(: So pai se or whatever way you spell.

After school went to White Sands for lunch at Mcdonalds then after that we go to my house to do some homework after a while Shantho keep asking about her birthday surprise then she really cannot wait for that day to come(: Me too. Anyway that is all i have to say for i can say that today was quite boring too.(:


You got me, Lovestruck
@ 01:59

Name Ethyl
Location Singapore
Bio Konichiwa, pleasure to meet you. You're stucked at my blog atm. To exit, click the X on the top-right corner of your screen. Yes, that one in red.

You can actually place your music codes here too.
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Mixpod.com or YouTube.com probably?