6/29/09 ♥
Today first day of school what the hell but then not too bad luhs finally got to see him(: Missed him loads. After that saw Mr Sim and Miss Alia again. And the rest of 1H in our new clasroom on the 3rd floor lehX_X so high for what? After LunchPeriod had Science lesson. After that elect Guild leader... and Pair up with Best Friend.Blah blah... 3.00 go to SuperDog to eat lunch with Cindy. Again so sad Shan never follow:'( But nevermind luhs cause meeting her to spend time with each other.Lols...
You got me, Lovestruck
@ 01:53
6/10/09 ♥
Today was class Barbeque and okok luhs. Quite fun but then kana Birthday Surprise by Ozie!!! Ate Chicken wings for dinner with Cindy and Ashley. Somemore have to go to White Sands the NTUC to buy charcole. wow birthday girl also kana^_^. At around 7 plus meet up with the others and started the Birthday celebration... i think. Around 7.15 went to the seashore to day dream about him. Missing him loads. When enjoying dinner kana water and GreenTea bomb by Ozie. So give him PayBack.Relax uh Ozie.Must have Birthday Fun. 10.00 on the way home super scary siol we were like looking back and forward back and forward luhs. Reach home around 10.45 and now going to sleep. Zzzz {Vanilla}
You got me, Lovestruck
@ 07:54
6/9/09 ♥
       This Is A Tribute To The Amazing Friends That I Have Made In Dunman! I Love You Guys!
You got me, Lovestruck
@ 02:48
6/7/09 ♥
Happy 13th Birthday To Me!!! Started the day as normal luhs woke up mummy daddy aunty ashley said "Happy Birthday Ethyl" the like that luhs. Around 12.00 had lunch after that Chocolate,Cherry and Candy came over to spend time with me and Ashley luhs so we play luhs around 6.00 eat Pizza Hut for dinner.Cindy become photographer take and take a lot of photos.    
You got me, Lovestruck
@ 06:11
6/3/09 ♥
Went to Tampines Golden Village Cinema to watch movie with Cindy. Watched the movie"Monsters vs Aliens" wow that movie damn funny siol especially the ending after the movie went to Tampines 1 to do some shopping luhs. After that went home to play Badmintonn again luhs as usual luhs playing Badminton with Borhan(Sorry if spell name wrongly) after that go home at 7.00
You got me, Lovestruck
@ 04:15
6/1/09 ♥
Happy Brithday To Ozie! may all your wishes come true and good thing wor you turned 13 already^_^ Well hope you get your Birthday Wish and alot of presents^_^ Don't worry will give you your present on the BBQ day.
You got me, Lovestruck
@ 18:54
come to know me, come & get to know me.

The name is ETHYL. Pronounced similar to Apple
I'm in love with Stickies, they make me melt.
I'm a die-hard fan of Cadbury Chocolate. ><
I despise people with attitude. The world would be sucha better place without them all.
bold strikethrough underlined italic
Sweet Desires.
it's my wishes baby, grant it for me.
Ben & Jerry's Ice-Cream
Go chalet with friends again
Dye my hair.
Live happily ever after with *insert name*
Go Brisbane.
Go to K-Box with loved ones
Part Time Job
Become my real-self
Change of hairstyle
Non-Stop Movie Marathon
6/29/09 ♥
Today first day of school what the hell but then not too bad luhs finally got to see him(: Missed him loads. After that saw Mr Sim and Miss Alia again. And the rest of 1H in our new clasroom on the 3rd floor lehX_X so high for what? After LunchPeriod had Science lesson. After that elect Guild leader... and Pair up with Best Friend.Blah blah... 3.00 go to SuperDog to eat lunch with Cindy. Again so sad Shan never follow:'( But nevermind luhs cause meeting her to spend time with each other.Lols...
You got me, Love Struck
@ 01:53
6/10/09 ♥
Today was class Barbeque and okok luhs. Quite fun but then kana Birthday Surprise by Ozie!!! Ate Chicken wings for dinner with Cindy and Ashley. Somemore have to go to White Sands the NTUC to buy charcole. wow birthday girl also kana^_^. At around 7 plus meet up with the others and started the Birthday celebration... i think. Around 7.15 went to the seashore to day dream about him. Missing him loads. When enjoying dinner kana water and GreenTea bomb by Ozie. So give him PayBack.Relax uh Ozie.Must have Birthday Fun. 10.00 on the way home super scary siol we were like looking back and forward back and forward luhs. Reach home around 10.45 and now going to sleep. Zzzz {Vanilla}
You got me, Love Struck
@ 07:54
6/9/09 ♥
       This Is A Tribute To The Amazing Friends That I Have Made In Dunman! I Love You Guys!
You got me, Love Struck
@ 02:48
6/7/09 ♥
Happy 13th Birthday To Me!!! Started the day as normal luhs woke up mummy daddy aunty ashley said "Happy Birthday Ethyl" the like that luhs. Around 12.00 had lunch after that Chocolate,Cherry and Candy came over to spend time with me and Ashley luhs so we play luhs around 6.00 eat Pizza Hut for dinner.Cindy become photographer take and take a lot of photos.    
You got me, Love Struck
@ 06:11
6/3/09 ♥
Went to Tampines Golden Village Cinema to watch movie with Cindy. Watched the movie"Monsters vs Aliens" wow that movie damn funny siol especially the ending after the movie went to Tampines 1 to do some shopping luhs. After that went home to play Badmintonn again luhs as usual luhs playing Badminton with Borhan(Sorry if spell name wrongly) after that go home at 7.00
You got me, Love Struck
@ 04:15
6/1/09 ♥
Happy Brithday To Ozie! may all your wishes come true and good thing wor you turned 13 already^_^ Well hope you get your Birthday Wish and alot of presents^_^ Don't worry will give you your present on the BBQ day.
You got me, Love Struck
@ 18:54