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1/30/10 ♥

Did anyone watch you the last time you kissed someone?
Nope, never kissed anyone in my life besides family. Embarrassed to say that is.

When you're walking, do you stop to drink?
Depends, unless i am super thirsty.

Do you believe that if you want something bad enough you'll get it?
Not really, i think so.

Have you ever kissed someone in a vehicle?

Kill or Be killed?
I don't want to die young, i haven't seen the world yet. :P

Break someone’s heart or have your heart broken?
I think half of each. :P

Do you like someone right this second?

Would you ever get a tattoo?
Nope. They hurt.

Are you a morning person or a night person?
Night. Somtimes morning depends on my mood.

Do you snore?
I don't think so.

Do you know anyone who has gotten an abortion?
Nope, i am not the most popular person in my School.

What would you do if you opened up your front door to a dead body?
Call the cops.

Do you like to spend time with people?
Yep, unless i am moody.

Are you a forgiving person?
I am forgiving but cannot forget.

When was the last time you did the dishes?
2-3 weeks ago.

Are you talking to anyone while doing this?

Do you want a relationship right now?

What are you about to do?
Watch Anime.

Have you ever thought someone died, when they really didn't?
Not at the least.

Your name plus "ness"?

Three feelings at the moment?
Bored, worried and happy.

Done anything you regret so far in life?
I think so.

Are you listening to anything?
Music, duh.

Where are you right now?

Are you thinking of someone right now?
Not really.

Who is the last person you talked to on the phone?

Last thing you downloaded on your computer?

Have you changed much this year?
I think so, becoming a better friend then last year, plus change of attitude.

Do you speak any other language?

What's the craziest thing you've done?
I don't think i've done something crazy.

Favorite color(s)?
Black,hot pink and white.

Last time you smiled?
Few seconds ago.

If you could have anything in the world, what would you want?

Nothing to do larh...so bored at home.


You got me, Lovestruck
@ 04:58

1/29/10 ♥

-Physical Education(PE) did 2.4 run. Run super super slow. :P
-Science continued with normal Science activities.
-Mother Tongue continued watching the movie:)
-Maths pop quiz!
-English i have no idea what to say :P

After School:

Stayed in class to continue with the class decorations, started at 12.30 until like maybe 1 or 2++ while decorating we were like "ohmigosh it's gonna be 1.55 2H let's hurry." was what all of us were saying including Ms Alia. :) In the end we accomplished the decorations and after that took class pictures. After that jiu go home. woah i suddenly so guai. :P Thanks to all those people who helped with the class decorations on 28Januaray and 29January thanks to you all, i am sure that we will win! :)

Pictures will be up when i am able to get them:)


You got me, Lovestruck
@ 00:42

1/28/10 ♥

-Conversational Mother Tongue study for 1 period then after that played one type of game thingy.=.=
-Life Sciences continued with the Bacteria experiment. eww.
-Music nobody cared. ;D
-English did workbook.
-Maths was sleeping like a pig ass until Mr Sim told us about the theft case :D
-Social Studies okok.

After School:

Won't elaborate much, went to buy Waffle with Cindy, Cavell, Hannah, Shan and Syaza. After lunch jiu go back to school. After that go to class decorate a while then after that go Green Club a while, after that go back to class decorate till 6++ after that jiu go home.


You got me, Lovestruck
@ 04:14

1/27/10 ♥

-Mother Tongue watch one movie.
-Maths sleeping like a pig ass.
-Computer Applications(CPA) did Corel Draw again, after that surf the net.
-Science did not hear a thing Ms Diana said.
-English Mr Imran made us design dunno what book jacket.
-Art Mr Khairyl never come ;D

After school:

Straight away go home.


You got me, Lovestruck
@ 01:32

1/22/10 ♥

To all my friends out there:

Since it's the start of a new year, i would like to present this blog post to you guys. The people that are close to my heat are you, my friends.

The very start of 2009, in Secondary 1 Camp. We were shy to communicate to each other, but look at us now, we were strangers at the start but we have made bonds between together.

Chinese New Year Deco (CNY):
We got even closer to each other with this event. Like me and the other girls. At first, i was never that close to Cavell, Cindy, Shan or Jie Yu in the beginning of my Secondary 1 year. But look at us now, we spend time together 24/7.

We are in Secondary 2 now, we will face more difficulties and challenges each day. But no matter how hard these challenges and difficulties are, i always believe that the clouds can never hide the sun from us for long, no matter how bad things may seem, there will always be a ray of hope shining down on us, striving us to do better. No matter how far apart we are, we will meet again one day, for our hearts are connected. Especially since Zakariya left us but i believe that we will meet him again someday. Shahidah and Ryan have also left for the Normal Academic stream but they are still close to our hearts. So Shahidah and Ryan do your best in everything. I believe in you.

We may fight most of the time. But think of this, without the friends you have made now, would your life be as fun as it was in Secondary 1? So treasure your friends for as long as you can. We will also make new friends everyday but do not neglect the friends that you have made so far. Keep as many friends as close to you as possible. I, myself might not show you the feelings you want me to show, but deep down, i am just like all of you. I treasure all of you the same. So to all my friends, remember that I, Ethyl will always be by your side. No matter how the situation is, i will always be there for you.

The reason why i posted this is because i was listening to Elton John's "Can You Feel The Love Tonight". so it reminded me of the friends that i have made in Dunman and i wanted to post this to show all of you how i feel. Here are the lyrics of the song:

There's a calm surrender to the rush of day
When the heat of the rolling world can be turned away
An enchanted moment, and it sees me through
It's enough for this restless warrior just to be with you

And can you feel the love tonight
It is where we are
It's enough for this wide-eyed wanderer
That we got this far
And can you feel the love tonight
How it's laid to rest
It's enough to make kings and vagabonds
Believe the very best

There's a time for everyone if they only learn
That the twisting kaleidoscope moves us all in turn
There's a rhyme and reason to the wild outdoors
When the heart of this star-crossed voyager beats in time with yours

And can you feel the love tonight
It is where we are
It's enough for this wide-eyed wanderer
That we got this far
And can you feel the love tonight
How it's laid to rest
It's enough to make kings and vagabonds
Believe the very best

It's enough to make kings and vagabonds
Believe the very best

Elton John-Can You Feel The Love Tonight


You got me, Lovestruck
@ 05:22

1/21/10 ♥

-Physical Education(PE) did NAPFA test the stations. Somemore raining.
-Science continue with Chapter 14.
-Recess sleep again (i think) 0.0
-Mother Tongue make a lot of noise again. No offence~
-Maths had pop quiz. O.0
-English go library borrow books to read for Book Review. =.=' I can't even finish a book for a year and still expect me to read 2 books for book review. =.=

After School:

Help out Secondary 1I for Chinese New Year Decorations for like a few minutes or two? x) After that jiu go home le.


You got me, Lovestruck
@ 23:42

-Conversational Mother Tongue(CMT) go library draw Anime again:P
-Life Sciences (LS) continued with experiment about bacteria funneh lorh.
-Recess half sleeping.
-Music nobody was giving a dam. No offence~
-English dunno do English workbook.
-Maths dunno what to say.
-Social Studies sleeping again.

After School:

Go Seven-Eleven with Cavell, Cindy, Hannah and Syaza. Buy things to eat. I ate like a pig ass ;D Eat le then dunno listen song 3.00 jiu go back to school go library get free air-con, i am just so bad ;D 3.30 go for Green Club. 5.30 finish Green club le jiu go home.


You got me, Lovestruck
@ 02:55

1/20/10 ♥

-Mother Tounge sleep.
-Maths also asleep.
-Computer Applications(CPA) use internet again, go and watch Kateikyoushi Hitman Reborn! :)
-Science Mr Aziz dunno doing what. No offence~
-English go Computer Lab and tyep out composition.
-Art still doing graftti or whatever way you spell it.

After school:

Went straight home.


You got me, Lovestruck
@ 04:16

1/19/10 ♥

About Yesterday:
-Mother Tounge class teacher never come.
-Social Studies whole lesson was asleep.
-Recess sleep on sofa.
-Computer Application(CPA) surf internet and watch anime.
-English Mr Imran never come (also) *lols*
-Maths Mr Sim 5-10 minutes late.
Assembly dunno talking about what siol.

After school:

Co-Cirricular Activities (CCA) fair. Chao fun Green club keep making a lot of noise like siao. Especially Cavell. CCA fair keep shouting like dunno for how long keep competing with the other CCAs in the end only 2-3 people want to join Green Club T~T.

About Today:
-Go to school early. Me, Jie Yu, Cindy and Chin How in school.
-Science learn new chapter- Chapter 14.
- Recess
-Design and Technology(DnT) Mr Lee talk and talk and talk.
-Civics Moral Education(CME) Mrs Eng also talk and talk and talk.

After school:

Stay back to do DnT. Finish le then go home. Thanks to Cavell and Cindy for accompanying me and Jie Yu :) love you both.


You got me, Lovestruck
@ 00:56

1/17/10 ♥

-Wake up go for Guitar Lesson.
-11.30 Reach home.
-1++ Cindy come my house to kill time or something like that. No offence~
-5.30 send Cindy downstairs to go home.


You got me, Lovestruck
@ 05:11

1/16/10 ♥

1) Are you single or attached ?
Single and proud of it.

2) Do you have a person you like ?
Not Recently.

3) What is the name of the person you are in love with ?
No one at the moment.

4) If the person you love and your mum dropped into the sea , who would you save first ?
Um...family member first.

5) Have you ever hugged someone before ?
Yep. Many of them :P

6) Do you love your parents ?

7) Will you hug the one you love ?
That depends.

8) Are you willing to do anything for the one you love ?
That depends if it is worth it.

9) Are you jealous now ?
Jealous about what?

10) Who was the last person who smsed you ?

11) Who is in your clique ?
Huh? :X

12) Do you want babies in the future ?
When i am that age then we'll talk.

13) Do you prefer MacDonalds , KFC , LJS or Burger King ?

14) Do you sniff glue ?
Why would i do that?

15) Do you smoke ?
I don't want to die young.

16) If the person you love is a 2-timer , what would you do ?
Make him wish that he wasn't that 2 timer.

17) Which CCA are you in now ?
Green Club see i am so resourceful.

18) If you are rich , what would you do ?
Shop till I drop.... :B

19) If the person you love , held your hand , what would you do ?
Hold on tight (?)

20) If the person you love rejects you , what would you do ?
Try my best to move on if it's that painful.

21) What is your favourite cartoon character ?
Sawada Tsunayoshi cause hes cute :3

22) Friendship or success ?

23) Cookiemonster or elmo ?

24) Do you use laptop or computer ?
Most of the time laptop.

25) Do you like lollipops ?

26) Do you have a diary ?
Not at the moment.

27) There's an admirer of your and he won't die heart , what will you do ?
He'll give up when he finds another girl.

28) If you quarrel with your boyfriend/girlfriend and he/she wants to break , what will you do ?
If he's a great guy then talk things out. If he's so called worthless then move on.

29) Are you blur ?
Most of the time, yes.

30) If you can have your hair dyed , what colour do you want it to be ?
My hair is dyed Golden Brown already.But i feel like dyeing my hair again ;D

31) Who is the last person you chatted in MSN ?

32) How many boys/girls have you beaten before ?
None. I am not that agressive.

33) If your boyfriend/girlfriend don't love you anymore , what would you do ?
I'll move on.

I did this to kill time.


You got me, Lovestruck
@ 03:31

1/15/10 ♥

-Physical Education (PE) Mr Tan and Mr Thor took our height and weight plus did a few warm ups.
-Science continued with Chapter 12.
-Recess. I guai lan kia do science homework.:P
-Mother Tongue talk and talk and talk.No offence~
-Maths Mr wong took us again for maths.
-English watch one video about English thingy but i was asleep the whole time. :P

After School:

Germaine stopped by our school to send Reborn! song. Met her outside school gate then after that chat chat then had an egg and cheese sandwitch. Eat finish le jiu go home.


You got me, Lovestruck
@ 00:00

1/14/10 ♥

-Conversational Mother Tounge(CMT) half awake.
-Life Sciences did an experiment for bacteria...ew..
-Music Mdm Chew was ticked off. :P
-English go to computer lab to type our speech thingy to present to class. *Yawns*
-Maths class like fish market until Mr Wong came in No offence 2H~
-Social Studies also a sleep Mrs Eng hold us back for 15 minutes.=.=

After school:

Go buy lunch with Cavell, Cindy, Hannah and Syaza. Buy lunch already then eat eat shout shout like siao. But Cavell was doing the most shouting. :P 3.00 go back to school for Green Club. 5.15 finish le jiu pack up then Mrs Fong talk to us about the aims for this year and all that. Talk finish le then Hannah, Cindy, Syaza and me take bus 81 go home.


You got me, Lovestruck
@ 02:56

1/13/10 ♥

-Mother Tounge do composition then also make a lot of noise.
-Maths fell asleep. ;D
-Computer Applications (CPA) Mr Thor was teaching us then i was like not giving a dam at all. ;D
-Science Class Quiz.
-English Mr Imran ask us to write one speech thingy which i didn't really care. :P
-Art sleeping the whole time then never take art seriously.

After School:

Straight away go home.


You got me, Lovestruck
@ 01:31

1/12/10 ♥

-Reach school about 7-8 ++ then make a lot of noise.
-Assembe at Parade ground.
-Vocab Test.
-Science still learning Chapter 12.
-Recess make even more noise. :P
-Design and Technology(D&T) Mr Lee talk for dunno how long almost fell asleep.
-Civics Moral Education(CME) Mrs Eng talk and talk and talk but i never listen instead i was drawing.:P

After School:

Stay back to do D&T work. Mr Lee was like running here and there like siao. But also ok lorhx... do D&T in Tech room got air-con so not really that bad. :P

Around 4-5 ++ go Seven-Eleven buy thing to eat i ate like a fat ass pig. No offence~ After eat le jiu go home with Cindy.


You got me, Lovestruck
@ 02:00

1/11/10 ♥

-Assembly talk chao boring.
-Mother tounge class do workbook.
-Recess become siao with Cavell shout here shout there. :P
-CPA make a lot of noise.
-English do workbook.
-Maths do work.
-Contact time change seats and do don't know what survey thingy, did not really bother.

After school:

Go to Seven-Eleven buy snacks to eat. Then slack at Dinosaur a while then go back to school for Green Club. Went to Green Club for don't know i think half an hour? After that jiu go back to Dinosaur to slack till 5.30 plus. 5.30 jiu go home le.


You got me, Lovestruck
@ 05:11

1/6/10 ♥

-First lesson Mother Tounge.
-Next lesson was Maths.

After school:

Slack a while then go to Dinosaur playground XD. 4.30 jiu go home.


You got me, Lovestruck
@ 04:13

1/4/10 ♥

Today is officially the first day of a new year and the first day of School. What happened today:

-First met Cindy, Jie yu and Cavell at main gate.
-Found out that Ms Alia was our Form-Teacher, Mr Karuppiah co-form.
-Normal things students normally do on their first day of school.
-Found out that Mr Imran is our English Teacher(2H don't tick him off:P)
-Mr Sim thought us Maths with a Hong Kong Accent. *Laughs*.
-Assembly. School ended.
-Went to the bookshop to buy books for tomorrow.

After did all that stuff jiu headed home.


You got me, Lovestruck
@ 00:34

1/1/10 ♥

Happy New Year Everyone.

Hope that you all have a great year in 2010. May God bless you with Health, Happiness, Fortune,Luck and many more.

So have a good 2010.


You got me, Lovestruck
@ 04:29

Name Ethyl
Location Singapore
Bio Konichiwa, pleasure to meet you. You're stucked at my blog atm. To exit, click the X on the top-right corner of your screen. Yes, that one in red.

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