5/31/10 ♥
Ciaossu~! Happy Birthday Ozie~! Finally 14 years old le. :D Must stay cute and bubbly hor, may god bless you with wealth, health, love, happiness and many more. Oh, before i forget, your gonna get a SPECIAL present on the 02June from me and Amirul~ Better get ready. :DOzie, you better tagg once you read this hor! If not, you'll get twice of what your gonna get on 02June. :PCiao Ciao~!
You got me, Lovestruck
@ 00:00
5/26/10 ♥
Ciaossu~!Thursday:Sports Day today. Went to Stadium for sports. Weather was F**king hot. ): After Sports Day went to Mcdonalds for lunch, after that jiu go home le. Holidays are coming so enjoy your holidays everyone. :D Hope to see you in Term 3. :DCiao Ciao~!
You got me, Lovestruck
@ 23:37
Ciaossu~!Wednesday:-Sports Fiesta.-Recess-Went for Health Talk at AVT.-Free period-Got back Report BooksAfter School:Went to E!Hub for things, also had lunch there. After that immediately went home. Ciao Ciao~!
You got me, Lovestruck
@ 01:32
5/24/10 ♥
Ciaossu~!Tuesday:-Continued to have Sports Day again. -Recess-Class as per-normal.After School:Went home straight from school. Don't feel so well these few days. Must be the F**king weather. ): Can't help but feel tired these few days. ): Hope this does not interfere with Holiday plans and celebrations. ):Ciao Ciao~!
You got me, Lovestruck
@ 23:38
Ciaossu~!Monday:Today was the first day of Sports Day Fiesta at school. Did not know would be playing Shiok Ball through out the whole day, but sadly, your's truly did not play in the games but went to support 2H! :DD After that had our Health Check-Up. =.= Won't elaborate much about Sports Fiesta so...blah blah blah.After School:After the whole thing ended went to Ideal Bubble Tea shop for lunch so and so, after that slack with baby girls until 5.30++ after that jiu go home. Ciao Ciao~!
You got me, Lovestruck
@ 03:09
5/23/10 ♥
Seriously bored so might as well blog or something. ;D
1. Put your iTunes, Windows Media Player, mp3 player, etc. on shuffle. 2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer. 3. YOU MUST WRITE THAT SONG NAME DOWN NO MATTER HOW SILLY IT SOUNDS. 4. Have Fun! IF SOMEONE SAYS "IS THIS OKAY" YOU SAY? -Crawl by VELTPUNCHWHAT DO YOU LIKE IN A GUY/GIRL? -Shugo Shugo by Shugo Chara EggHOW DO YOU FEEL TODAY?-Pokerface by Lady GagaWHAT IS YOUR LIFE'S PURPOSE?-Boom Boom Pow by Black Eyed PeasWHAT IS YOUR MOTTO?-Fashion by Lady GagaWHAT DO YOUR FRIENDS THINK OF YOU?-Tsuki No Curse by Okina ReikaWHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR PARENTS?-Minna Daisuki by Buono!WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT VERY OFTEN?-S.O.S by Jonas BrothersWHAT IS 2+2? -With You by Chris BrownWHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR BEST FRIEND?-Body Language by Jesse McCartneyWHAT DO YOU THINK OF THE PERSON YOU LIKE?-Look by HalicalWHAT IS YOUR LIFE STORY?-Here I Am by Bryan AdamsWHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GROW UP?-Daia No Hana by YorikoWHAT DO YOU THINK WHEN YOU SEE THE PERSON YOU LIKE-Echo Again by SplayWHAT DO YOUR PARENTS THINK OF YOU?-Snow Fairy by FunkistWHAT WILL YOU DANCE TO AT YOUR WEDDING?-Feeling Like A Big Dog by AkonWHAT WILL THEY PLAY AT YOUR FUNERAL?-She's No You by Jesse McCartneyWHAT IS YOUR HOBBY/INTEREST?-酸甜 by Fahrenheit feat. S.H.EWHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR FRIENDS?-Two Worlds Collide by Demi LovatoWHAT'S THE WORST THING THAT COULD HAPPEN?-I Promise You by Selena GomezHOW WILL YOU DIE?-Just That Girl by Drew Seely WHAT IS THE ONE THING YOU REGRET?-Replay by IYAZWHAT MAKES YOU LAUGH? -Crush by David ArchuletaWHAT MAKES YOU CRY?-Ameato by W-indsWILL YOU EVER GET MARRIED?-Michishirube by Keita Tachibana WHAT SCARES YOU THE MOST?-Orange by Kugimiya RieDOES ANYONE LIKE YOU?-88 by LM.CIF YOU COULD GO BACK IN TIME, WHAT WOULD YOU CHANGE?-Accidentally In Love by Counting CowsWHAT HURTS RIGHT NOW?-Last Cross by Mitsouka MasamiWHAT WILL YOU POST THIS AS?-1,2,3,4 by Plain White T's
Just realised that most of the songs are from Anime. Seriously obssesed. ;d
Ciao Ciao~!
You got me, Lovestruck
@ 04:04
5/21/10 ♥
Ciaossu~!Friday:-Computer Applications(CPA) got back our Theory and Practical marks. Total added up to 90/100. Wii~ :D-Science went through papers again.-Recess-Mother Tongue failed miserably. ):-Maths talked about...some things.-English did our own stuff so played a game of Truth Or Dare with Zheng Guang and Yaqub. :DDAfter School:Went to Downtown East for some shopping and Lunch. After that had an un-forgetable time with baby girls. :D Won't elaborate much cause i'm getting tired. XDThank you Cindy, Shan and Shahin for today. Seriously love it that you girls are always thinking what's best for all of us and at the same time enjoy the time we spent together all these times. Love you girl truck-loads. Dai Suki~ :DDCiao Ciao~!
You got me, Lovestruck
@ 03:09
5/20/10 ♥
Ciaossu~!Thursday:-Physical Education(PE) learned how to play Shiok Ball, Sec Ones played quite rough today. ):-Free Period Life Sciences over le. ;]-Recess-English received Paper 1 Marks. Scored 54/80 for paper 1. Wee~ :DD-Social Studies also had free-period. -Maths went to Computer Lab to do our own stuff. Mr Sim busy with Ex-Dunmanite. ;)-Music watched 'Stomp!'After School:Went to Ideal Bubble Tea for lunch with Cindy, Shan, Shahin and Xin Jing. After lunch went for LTC meeting again. =.= Ended at 5.30++ after that jiu go home. Ciao Ciao~!
You got me, Lovestruck
@ 03:10
5/19/10 ♥
Ciaossu~!Wednesday:Back to school~ :D-Mother Tongue had free-period, teacher never come again. ;)-Maths got back our Mid- Year Results, 43/60 for Mathematics. But still lower then the others. ):-Recess-English Mr Imran in quite a bad mood today. Don't really know why... ):-Science also got back our Mid-Year results, 72.5/100. Hii~ :DD-Conversational Mother Tongue watched Incredible Tales. Woo...scary. XD-Art not too bad... ;PAfter School:Went to Ideal Bubble Tea shop for lunch with Cindy, Shahin, Zheng Guang and Chin How. After lunch went to Void Deck slack slack, after that jiu go home. Ciao Ciao~!
You got me, Lovestruck
@ 02:07
5/18/10 ♥
Ciaossu~!Tuesday:Marking Day today, so obviously no school...durh. =.= So decided to go with babyy girls today. Went Cycling and Bowling~ :D Won't elaborate so much so just go to Facebook and see them pictures or just wait patiently on Blogger yea. ;) Thank you Cindy, Shan, Shahin and Xin Jing for today, really appreciate the time you girls spent with me today. Hope you all aren't broke from spening too much money today, cause i am. ;) Seriously had fun today, especially Bowling. Thank you girls. Dai Suki~ :DCiao Ciao~!
You got me, Lovestruck
@ 06:07
5/16/10 ♥
Ciaossu~!Monday:English Listening Comprehension Paper today. Was rather...sleepy during the whole paper. :d (Nothing to post le.) Pictures for E!Hub Bowling are up, so take a look at them yea, too lazy to post on blog. Sorry. ):Ciao Ciao~!
You got me, Lovestruck
@ 21:25
5/13/10 ♥
Ciaossu~!Friday:Computer Applications Practical today. Was not that hard and only took 45 minutes. :D Finished in like 30 mintues. ;) After paper went to E!Hub for bowling. :) Won't elaborate so much so go onto Facebook to view pictures under the album 'E!Hub Bowling'. Pictures might not be ready by today so stay tuned to Facebook yea. XDCiao Ciao~!
You got me, Lovestruck
@ 23:24
5/12/10 ♥
Ciaossu~!Thursday:Had Science Paper, was not that hard and at the same time, not that easy. So...yea. ): Not sure if i will pass cause got all the things mixed up ): *sighs* Pray hard for me hor. xPAfter paper went back home straight...guai lan sia. ;)Before i forget... Happy 14th Birthday Cindy; Daddy~!! ;)Finally 14 le hor. Must be more mature then me yea. xP Hope you liked the surprise me and Mummy gave you today, thank you for being my Daddy. :) May god bless you with health, wealth, fortune, love and many more. :) Hope you have an un-forgetful birthday~! Ciao Ciao~!
You got me, Lovestruck
@ 23:57
Ciaossu~!Wednesday:Chinese Paper and Computer Applications Paper 1 today. Quite okay lo the papers. After papers went to Changi Airport to study for science again. :D Suddenly love to go Changi Airport ehh. :) After that jiu go home le. Want to see photos please go to Facebook and view below the album 'Group Study At Changi Airport'. Might not be able to view today, but might be able to view the album by this week. So stay tuned to the pictures yea. :) Ciao Ciao~!
You got me, Lovestruck
@ 02:02
5/10/10 ♥
Ciaossu~!Tuesday:Had Maths Paper today. Not that confident about passing once the paper started. *sighs* ): After Paper, went to Ideal Bubble Tea Shop to eat like pig-ass(es). ;) Finish eating jiu go home le. Good Luck Everyone for tomorrow's upcoming paper. Jia Yous~!! ;)Ciao Ciao~!
You got me, Lovestruck
@ 21:48
Ciaossu~!Monday:Had Chinese Composition test today. *sighs* Not that confident of passing and not that confident about failing too. :P After paper went to Changi Airport with Shan, Cindy and Syabilla to 'study' for tomorrow's Maths paper. :) Went at around 12.30++ after that did alot of things at Changi Airport so won't elaborate so much so just go and look at the pictures(at Facebook). Too lazy to upload so just go to Facebook and look at the pictures enjoy~ ;) Thank you Shan, Cindy and Syabilla for today. Seriously appreciated it, should seriously do more Group Studies together yea. (: So thanks, Love ya~!! -3-Good Luck for your Maths Papers tomorrow, Jia Yous~!! :)Ciao Ciao~!
You got me, Lovestruck
@ 02:34
5/8/10 ♥
Ciaossu~!Been feeling rather stressed lately. Don't understand why nowadays people have been giving bad remarks about me and my friends, should not be feeling this way now, exams are here. *sighs* can't afford to fail any subjects (excluding Chinese) Again, Good Luck to my friends for your Mid-Year~ :D Jia Yous~!! (:Ciao Ciao~!
You got me, Lovestruck
@ 02:39
5/6/10 ♥
Ciaossu~!Friday:English Paper today. Jia yous to all for the upcoming paper which will be Mother Tongue... =.= Confirm fail de. ;DCiao Ciao~!
You got me, Lovestruck
@ 22:50
5/5/10 ♥
Ciaossu~!Wednesday:Hello finally, i've got time to do some posting. :DD-Mother Tongue did Compo again. =.=-Maths did revision. :D-Recess-English was supposed to have Free-Period but then Mr Imran came back from the Hospital. *sobs* ;A;-Science was seriously noisy again including me. :D-Conversational Mother Tongue(CMT) was like okay...After School:Went for DandT immediately. After that went for lunch. 6.00++ jiu go home. :DRevision for Mid-Year not going so well...=.= so might as well study now leh. =.= Being guai lan. ;d Anyway to those taking Mid Year jia yous~ :D Especially 2H yea. :D Jia You~ :DDCiao Ciao~!
You got me, Lovestruck
@ 03:54
5/1/10 ♥
Ciaossu~!Sorry haven't been posting for a day or two cause seriously lazy and Mid-Year Examinations are coming so might not be able to update that much these few days. So sorry if i can't post anything. :D But i'm still alive on blogging. So do tagg and all the usual stuff you do when you visit, omigosh...i'm just being random today cause seriously nothing to post about. :DCiao Ciao~!
You got me, Lovestruck
@ 03:03
come to know me, come & get to know me.

The name is ETHYL. Pronounced similar to Apple
I'm in love with Stickies, they make me melt.
I'm a die-hard fan of Cadbury Chocolate. ><
I despise people with attitude. The world would be sucha better place without them all.
bold strikethrough underlined italic
Sweet Desires.
it's my wishes baby, grant it for me.
Ben & Jerry's Ice-Cream
Go chalet with friends again
Dye my hair.
Live happily ever after with *insert name*
Go Brisbane.
Go to K-Box with loved ones
Part Time Job
Become my real-self
Change of hairstyle
Non-Stop Movie Marathon
5/31/10 ♥
Ciaossu~! Happy Birthday Ozie~! Finally 14 years old le. :D Must stay cute and bubbly hor, may god bless you with wealth, health, love, happiness and many more. Oh, before i forget, your gonna get a SPECIAL present on the 02June from me and Amirul~ Better get ready. :DOzie, you better tagg once you read this hor! If not, you'll get twice of what your gonna get on 02June. :PCiao Ciao~!
You got me, Love Struck
@ 00:00
5/26/10 ♥
Ciaossu~!Thursday:Sports Day today. Went to Stadium for sports. Weather was F**king hot. ): After Sports Day went to Mcdonalds for lunch, after that jiu go home le. Holidays are coming so enjoy your holidays everyone. :D Hope to see you in Term 3. :DCiao Ciao~!
You got me, Love Struck
@ 23:37
Ciaossu~!Wednesday:-Sports Fiesta.-Recess-Went for Health Talk at AVT.-Free period-Got back Report BooksAfter School:Went to E!Hub for things, also had lunch there. After that immediately went home. Ciao Ciao~!
You got me, Love Struck
@ 01:32
5/24/10 ♥
Ciaossu~!Tuesday:-Continued to have Sports Day again. -Recess-Class as per-normal.After School:Went home straight from school. Don't feel so well these few days. Must be the F**king weather. ): Can't help but feel tired these few days. ): Hope this does not interfere with Holiday plans and celebrations. ):Ciao Ciao~!
You got me, Love Struck
@ 23:38
Ciaossu~!Monday:Today was the first day of Sports Day Fiesta at school. Did not know would be playing Shiok Ball through out the whole day, but sadly, your's truly did not play in the games but went to support 2H! :DD After that had our Health Check-Up. =.= Won't elaborate much about Sports Fiesta so...blah blah blah.After School:After the whole thing ended went to Ideal Bubble Tea shop for lunch so and so, after that slack with baby girls until 5.30++ after that jiu go home. Ciao Ciao~!
You got me, Love Struck
@ 03:09
5/23/10 ♥
Seriously bored so might as well blog or something. ;D
1. Put your iTunes, Windows Media Player, mp3 player, etc. on shuffle. 2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer. 3. YOU MUST WRITE THAT SONG NAME DOWN NO MATTER HOW SILLY IT SOUNDS. 4. Have Fun! IF SOMEONE SAYS "IS THIS OKAY" YOU SAY? -Crawl by VELTPUNCHWHAT DO YOU LIKE IN A GUY/GIRL? -Shugo Shugo by Shugo Chara EggHOW DO YOU FEEL TODAY?-Pokerface by Lady GagaWHAT IS YOUR LIFE'S PURPOSE?-Boom Boom Pow by Black Eyed PeasWHAT IS YOUR MOTTO?-Fashion by Lady GagaWHAT DO YOUR FRIENDS THINK OF YOU?-Tsuki No Curse by Okina ReikaWHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR PARENTS?-Minna Daisuki by Buono!WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT VERY OFTEN?-S.O.S by Jonas BrothersWHAT IS 2+2? -With You by Chris BrownWHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR BEST FRIEND?-Body Language by Jesse McCartneyWHAT DO YOU THINK OF THE PERSON YOU LIKE?-Look by HalicalWHAT IS YOUR LIFE STORY?-Here I Am by Bryan AdamsWHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GROW UP?-Daia No Hana by YorikoWHAT DO YOU THINK WHEN YOU SEE THE PERSON YOU LIKE-Echo Again by SplayWHAT DO YOUR PARENTS THINK OF YOU?-Snow Fairy by FunkistWHAT WILL YOU DANCE TO AT YOUR WEDDING?-Feeling Like A Big Dog by AkonWHAT WILL THEY PLAY AT YOUR FUNERAL?-She's No You by Jesse McCartneyWHAT IS YOUR HOBBY/INTEREST?-酸甜 by Fahrenheit feat. S.H.EWHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR FRIENDS?-Two Worlds Collide by Demi LovatoWHAT'S THE WORST THING THAT COULD HAPPEN?-I Promise You by Selena GomezHOW WILL YOU DIE?-Just That Girl by Drew Seely WHAT IS THE ONE THING YOU REGRET?-Replay by IYAZWHAT MAKES YOU LAUGH? -Crush by David ArchuletaWHAT MAKES YOU CRY?-Ameato by W-indsWILL YOU EVER GET MARRIED?-Michishirube by Keita Tachibana WHAT SCARES YOU THE MOST?-Orange by Kugimiya RieDOES ANYONE LIKE YOU?-88 by LM.CIF YOU COULD GO BACK IN TIME, WHAT WOULD YOU CHANGE?-Accidentally In Love by Counting CowsWHAT HURTS RIGHT NOW?-Last Cross by Mitsouka MasamiWHAT WILL YOU POST THIS AS?-1,2,3,4 by Plain White T's
Just realised that most of the songs are from Anime. Seriously obssesed. ;d
Ciao Ciao~!
You got me, Love Struck
@ 04:04
5/21/10 ♥
Ciaossu~!Friday:-Computer Applications(CPA) got back our Theory and Practical marks. Total added up to 90/100. Wii~ :D-Science went through papers again.-Recess-Mother Tongue failed miserably. ):-Maths talked about...some things.-English did our own stuff so played a game of Truth Or Dare with Zheng Guang and Yaqub. :DDAfter School:Went to Downtown East for some shopping and Lunch. After that had an un-forgetable time with baby girls. :D Won't elaborate much cause i'm getting tired. XDThank you Cindy, Shan and Shahin for today. Seriously love it that you girls are always thinking what's best for all of us and at the same time enjoy the time we spent together all these times. Love you girl truck-loads. Dai Suki~ :DDCiao Ciao~!
You got me, Love Struck
@ 03:09
5/20/10 ♥
Ciaossu~!Thursday:-Physical Education(PE) learned how to play Shiok Ball, Sec Ones played quite rough today. ):-Free Period Life Sciences over le. ;]-Recess-English received Paper 1 Marks. Scored 54/80 for paper 1. Wee~ :DD-Social Studies also had free-period. -Maths went to Computer Lab to do our own stuff. Mr Sim busy with Ex-Dunmanite. ;)-Music watched 'Stomp!'After School:Went to Ideal Bubble Tea for lunch with Cindy, Shan, Shahin and Xin Jing. After lunch went for LTC meeting again. =.= Ended at 5.30++ after that jiu go home. Ciao Ciao~!
You got me, Love Struck
@ 03:10
5/19/10 ♥
Ciaossu~!Wednesday:Back to school~ :D-Mother Tongue had free-period, teacher never come again. ;)-Maths got back our Mid- Year Results, 43/60 for Mathematics. But still lower then the others. ):-Recess-English Mr Imran in quite a bad mood today. Don't really know why... ):-Science also got back our Mid-Year results, 72.5/100. Hii~ :DD-Conversational Mother Tongue watched Incredible Tales. Woo...scary. XD-Art not too bad... ;PAfter School:Went to Ideal Bubble Tea shop for lunch with Cindy, Shahin, Zheng Guang and Chin How. After lunch went to Void Deck slack slack, after that jiu go home. Ciao Ciao~!
You got me, Love Struck
@ 02:07
5/18/10 ♥
Ciaossu~!Tuesday:Marking Day today, so obviously no school...durh. =.= So decided to go with babyy girls today. Went Cycling and Bowling~ :D Won't elaborate so much so just go to Facebook and see them pictures or just wait patiently on Blogger yea. ;) Thank you Cindy, Shan, Shahin and Xin Jing for today, really appreciate the time you girls spent with me today. Hope you all aren't broke from spening too much money today, cause i am. ;) Seriously had fun today, especially Bowling. Thank you girls. Dai Suki~ :DCiao Ciao~!
You got me, Love Struck
@ 06:07
5/16/10 ♥
Ciaossu~!Monday:English Listening Comprehension Paper today. Was rather...sleepy during the whole paper. :d (Nothing to post le.) Pictures for E!Hub Bowling are up, so take a look at them yea, too lazy to post on blog. Sorry. ):Ciao Ciao~!
You got me, Love Struck
@ 21:25
5/13/10 ♥
Ciaossu~!Friday:Computer Applications Practical today. Was not that hard and only took 45 minutes. :D Finished in like 30 mintues. ;) After paper went to E!Hub for bowling. :) Won't elaborate so much so go onto Facebook to view pictures under the album 'E!Hub Bowling'. Pictures might not be ready by today so stay tuned to Facebook yea. XDCiao Ciao~!
You got me, Love Struck
@ 23:24
5/12/10 ♥
Ciaossu~!Thursday:Had Science Paper, was not that hard and at the same time, not that easy. So...yea. ): Not sure if i will pass cause got all the things mixed up ): *sighs* Pray hard for me hor. xPAfter paper went back home straight...guai lan sia. ;)Before i forget... Happy 14th Birthday Cindy; Daddy~!! ;)Finally 14 le hor. Must be more mature then me yea. xP Hope you liked the surprise me and Mummy gave you today, thank you for being my Daddy. :) May god bless you with health, wealth, fortune, love and many more. :) Hope you have an un-forgetful birthday~! Ciao Ciao~!
You got me, Love Struck
@ 23:57
Ciaossu~!Wednesday:Chinese Paper and Computer Applications Paper 1 today. Quite okay lo the papers. After papers went to Changi Airport to study for science again. :D Suddenly love to go Changi Airport ehh. :) After that jiu go home le. Want to see photos please go to Facebook and view below the album 'Group Study At Changi Airport'. Might not be able to view today, but might be able to view the album by this week. So stay tuned to the pictures yea. :) Ciao Ciao~!
You got me, Love Struck
@ 02:02
5/10/10 ♥
Ciaossu~!Tuesday:Had Maths Paper today. Not that confident about passing once the paper started. *sighs* ): After Paper, went to Ideal Bubble Tea Shop to eat like pig-ass(es). ;) Finish eating jiu go home le. Good Luck Everyone for tomorrow's upcoming paper. Jia Yous~!! ;)Ciao Ciao~!
You got me, Love Struck
@ 21:48
Ciaossu~!Monday:Had Chinese Composition test today. *sighs* Not that confident of passing and not that confident about failing too. :P After paper went to Changi Airport with Shan, Cindy and Syabilla to 'study' for tomorrow's Maths paper. :) Went at around 12.30++ after that did alot of things at Changi Airport so won't elaborate so much so just go and look at the pictures(at Facebook). Too lazy to upload so just go to Facebook and look at the pictures enjoy~ ;) Thank you Shan, Cindy and Syabilla for today. Seriously appreciated it, should seriously do more Group Studies together yea. (: So thanks, Love ya~!! -3-Good Luck for your Maths Papers tomorrow, Jia Yous~!! :)Ciao Ciao~!
You got me, Love Struck
@ 02:34
5/8/10 ♥
Ciaossu~!Been feeling rather stressed lately. Don't understand why nowadays people have been giving bad remarks about me and my friends, should not be feeling this way now, exams are here. *sighs* can't afford to fail any subjects (excluding Chinese) Again, Good Luck to my friends for your Mid-Year~ :D Jia Yous~!! (:Ciao Ciao~!
You got me, Love Struck
@ 02:39
5/6/10 ♥
Ciaossu~!Friday:English Paper today. Jia yous to all for the upcoming paper which will be Mother Tongue... =.= Confirm fail de. ;DCiao Ciao~!
You got me, Love Struck
@ 22:50
5/5/10 ♥
Ciaossu~!Wednesday:Hello finally, i've got time to do some posting. :DD-Mother Tongue did Compo again. =.=-Maths did revision. :D-Recess-English was supposed to have Free-Period but then Mr Imran came back from the Hospital. *sobs* ;A;-Science was seriously noisy again including me. :D-Conversational Mother Tongue(CMT) was like okay...After School:Went for DandT immediately. After that went for lunch. 6.00++ jiu go home. :DRevision for Mid-Year not going so well...=.= so might as well study now leh. =.= Being guai lan. ;d Anyway to those taking Mid Year jia yous~ :D Especially 2H yea. :D Jia You~ :DDCiao Ciao~!
You got me, Love Struck
@ 03:54
5/1/10 ♥
Ciaossu~!Sorry haven't been posting for a day or two cause seriously lazy and Mid-Year Examinations are coming so might not be able to update that much these few days. So sorry if i can't post anything. :D But i'm still alive on blogging. So do tagg and all the usual stuff you do when you visit, omigosh...i'm just being random today cause seriously nothing to post about. :DCiao Ciao~!
You got me, Love Struck
@ 03:03
Name Ethyl
Location Singapore
Bio Konichiwa, pleasure to meet you. You're stucked at my blog atm. To exit, click the X on the top-right corner of your screen. Yes, that one in red.
You can actually place your music codes here too.
The navigation will not interrupt your song, it'll continuous play :)
Mixpod.com or YouTube.com probably?