10/27/10 ♥
 Hello readers, it's been a long time since i updated my dead blog. So, yeah. I'll be doing you a favor. >< In just 6 hours, it will be the very last day of School. I mean, this term is seriously going by quick! I'm sure gonna miss my friends. Especially my favorite, 2H people! D: Well, till' here! xiaozharbor 'ethyl
You got me, Lovestruck
@ 02:00
10/2/10 ♥
Ciaossu! Hello dear readers, here to update! :) Since exams are coming up, decided to attend Group Study with the girls. So yeah, went to Changi Airport for the usual study session. Instead of studying till' our brains explode, we were acting like we were tourists. >< Basically studied Maths and Science. At Changi Airport, we took a really long time to find a space to study. Took lots of pictures too. After all the laughter and jokes, decided to have a break from 1 hour of studying. (Embarrassed to say) 8:00 home sweet home. Thank you Cindy, Shan and Xin Jing for the day. It was a really fun and unforgettable day although we were supposed to study for 2 hours, we only studied for like an hour. But at least we studied. And thanks for all the laughter and jokes that we had made. And Monger, that video you took was hilarious. So yeah, Love you girls! <3 Since exams are coming, i might not be able to post that much. So yeah, Good Luck for your papers dear readers. :) *Pictures can be found on Facebook, so stay tuned! :) Well, till' here! xiaozharbor 'ethyl
You got me, Lovestruck
@ 07:31
come to know me, come & get to know me.

The name is ETHYL. Pronounced similar to Apple
I'm in love with Stickies, they make me melt.
I'm a die-hard fan of Cadbury Chocolate. ><
I despise people with attitude. The world would be sucha better place without them all.
bold strikethrough underlined italic
Sweet Desires.
it's my wishes baby, grant it for me.
Ben & Jerry's Ice-Cream
Go chalet with friends again
Dye my hair.
Live happily ever after with *insert name*
Go Brisbane.
Go to K-Box with loved ones
Part Time Job
Become my real-self
Change of hairstyle
Non-Stop Movie Marathon
10/27/10 ♥
 Hello readers, it's been a long time since i updated my dead blog. So, yeah. I'll be doing you a favor. >< In just 6 hours, it will be the very last day of School. I mean, this term is seriously going by quick! I'm sure gonna miss my friends. Especially my favorite, 2H people! D: Well, till' here! xiaozharbor 'ethyl
You got me, Love Struck
@ 02:00
10/2/10 ♥
Ciaossu! Hello dear readers, here to update! :) Since exams are coming up, decided to attend Group Study with the girls. So yeah, went to Changi Airport for the usual study session. Instead of studying till' our brains explode, we were acting like we were tourists. >< Basically studied Maths and Science. At Changi Airport, we took a really long time to find a space to study. Took lots of pictures too. After all the laughter and jokes, decided to have a break from 1 hour of studying. (Embarrassed to say) 8:00 home sweet home. Thank you Cindy, Shan and Xin Jing for the day. It was a really fun and unforgettable day although we were supposed to study for 2 hours, we only studied for like an hour. But at least we studied. And thanks for all the laughter and jokes that we had made. And Monger, that video you took was hilarious. So yeah, Love you girls! <3 Since exams are coming, i might not be able to post that much. So yeah, Good Luck for your papers dear readers. :) *Pictures can be found on Facebook, so stay tuned! :) Well, till' here! xiaozharbor 'ethyl
You got me, Love Struck
@ 07:31
Name Ethyl
Location Singapore
Bio Konichiwa, pleasure to meet you. You're stucked at my blog atm. To exit, click the X on the top-right corner of your screen. Yes, that one in red.
You can actually place your music codes here too.
The navigation will not interrupt your song, it'll continuous play :)
Mixpod.com or YouTube.com probably?