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10/27/10 ♥

Hello readers, it's been a long time since i updated my dead blog. So, yeah. I'll be doing you a favor. ><

In just 6 hours, it will be the very last day of School. I mean, this term is seriously going by quick! I'm sure gonna miss my friends. Especially my favorite, 2H people! D:
Well, till' here!

xiaozharbor 'ethyl

You got me, Lovestruck
@ 02:00

10/2/10 ♥


Hello dear readers, here to update! :)

Since exams are coming up, decided to attend Group Study with the girls. So yeah, went to Changi Airport for the usual study session. Instead of studying till' our brains explode, we were acting like we were tourists. ><
Basically studied Maths and Science. At Changi Airport, we took a really long time to find a space to study. Took lots of pictures too. After all the laughter and jokes, decided to have a break from 1 hour of studying. (Embarrassed to say) 8:00 home sweet home.

Thank you Cindy, Shan and Xin Jing for the day. It was a really fun and unforgettable day although we were supposed to study for 2 hours, we only studied for like an hour. But at least we studied. And thanks for all the laughter and jokes that we had made. And Monger, that video you took was hilarious. So yeah, Love you girls! <3

Since exams are coming, i might not be able to post that much. So yeah, Good Luck for your papers dear readers. :)

*Pictures can be found on Facebook, so stay tuned! :)
Well, till' here!

xiaozharbor 'ethyl

You got me, Lovestruck
@ 07:31

9/27/10 ♥

Ciaossu !

Okay, i haven't been blogging for quite some time now. But, i will save you the trouble. :D

Computer Applications did normal boring stuff today. ):

English went through Grammar Book.


Science went to Computer Lab for activity.

Mother Tongue teacher never come ! XD

Maths did last year's paper. Mr Sim said that my attire getting sloppy. X)

Assembly had a very boring talk about Singapore and how it's changing or something. -,-||

After School :
Went for Home Econs make up lesson. Woah, Mrs Tang like in a real good mood but she expresses her happiness with shouting i guess. :P Good thing class only lasted for like a few minutes. :) 5:00++ home sweet home. :D

xiaozharbor 'ethyl

You got me, Lovestruck
@ 02:56

9/16/10 ♥

Ciaossu !

Hello readers ! Currently, i am down with the flu. So yeah, please pray for me to get well ! :D

Science was the first period of the day, i got back my results for my test and.... i passed. .__.

English Mr Imran made us do the Brown book.


Art we went to the Computer lab to print out stencils for our End of Year marks.

Social Studies i shamed myself and our group for not presenting our Powerpoint well. ):

Maths there was an assistant teacher, Mr Tay. He will either be taking us in Computer Applications or assisting Mr Sim in Maths. Let's see what we will get. :)

After School :
Went to slack with the girls. Had a long chat with Xin Jing till 6:15. Ozie and Irfan were disturbing us a few times, but it was quite cute when Irfan and Ozie were messing with Hannah's Baby powder. :) 6:45 home sweet home.
Well, till here !

xiaozharbor 'ethyl

You got me, Lovestruck
@ 05:42

9/13/10 ♥

Ciaossu !

Today is the very first day of Term 4 ! Okay, there is only 4 more weeks to EOY Exams. Woah, better study hard yeah. :)

Contact Time went for Attire Check so wasted a few minutes of Contact time. :)

Computer Applications stayed in class. Was caught for passing food around in class. -,-

English for some reason, Mr Imran did not show up. So, Mr Wong relieved again. .__.||


Science kind of free period.

Mother Tongue went through paper. Did very poorly. :P

Maths learned a new topic. Honestly, i did not learn anything. :)

Assembly, filled up stuff for our NYAA Award.

After Schoool :

Went to KFC to have lunch with the girls. Went back to school to slack after that. Around 5:00 home sweet home.

I finally got to see you today, but what i got back in return was being invisible in eyes. It is just like you don't know i miss you. I just somehow wish that you would find out sooner or later. ):

Very unlucky today. And today is the first day of the Term. What the hell ? When things start off this bad, things can't get any worse right ? o.O
Well, till here !

xiaozharbor 'ethyl

You got me, Lovestruck
@ 03:11

9/10/10 ♥

Ciaossu !

Today went to Shahin's Grandparent's House to celebrate the very first day of Hari Raya with her. Firstly, met up with Cindy then made our way to Bedok Interchange to wait for Shan. Once united, headed to Shahin's Grandparent's Home. It was seriously huge ! And i mean HUGE ! I mean, you can have a slumber party for 10 in that house. Long story short, had a lot of fun with the girls. Took lots of photos of us. 7:45 + Had dinner. Sorry i did not eat so much arh Shahin. :( 8:00 home sweet home.

Thank you Shahin for inviting me to celebrate Hari Raya with you. I am really thankful that you invited me to tag along to celebrate. And thanks to your Grand father for the hong bao. :D Really appreciate it. And thank you Cindy and Shan for meeting up today. Really enjoyed myself and i can't wait for Sunday ! :D

*Pictures can be found on Facebok, so stay tuned ! :)
Well, till here !

xiaozharbor 'ethyl

You got me, Lovestruck
@ 06:24

9/5/10 ♥

Ciaossu !

Here are the things i want to achieve at the end of the year. Or least as fast as possible. :D
(They are at random, so yeah.)

-Go chalet with friends again.
-Dye my hair.
-Live happily ever after with him. <3
-Go Brisbane.
-Go to K-Box with loved ones.
-My own Room. XP
-Part time job !
-Overnighting at other people's house instead of them overnighting at mine.
-Attend Hip-Hop dance class.
-Change of attitude.
-New hairstyle instead of my current hairstyle.
-Movie Marathon till morning with friends.

Well, that's all i really want to accomplish as soon as possible. But i do hope that you don't think that i am selfish hor. My beloved ones out there, please help me fulfill these wishes if possible. Especially my beloved Mama and Papa ! HAHA ! I am just being random here cause i seriously have nothing to do. ;D
Well, till here !


You got me, Lovestruck
@ 06:45

9/2/10 ♥

Ciaossu !

02September :

Had lessons as usual. But won't really elaborate about all those stuff.

Shan and Cindy stayed over again for tomorrow's Cross Country. It was really fun, thank goodness Shan's Parents allowed her to stay over. Thank you Shan's Parents ! Long story short, had an un-forgetable time with the girls yesterday.

Thank you Cindy and Shan for today. :D Really appreciate it. Oh, and Shan. Don't think that i never reply to any of your calls or messages does not mean i am angry. ;D So yeah, don't need to worry hor. :D

03September :

Cross Country today. Just one thing to say about it. It is freaking H O T ! But the running part was not that bad. As i ran with dearest Widya and Shan. Took pictures too. Pictures can be found on Facebook, so stay tuned ! After running, home sweet home.

I missed the chance to tell you, so this means that i will be away from you for 1 week. *sighs* D:

I'm lovin Kingdom Hearts again ! Okay, it's not an addiction or a crazy obsession or anything so don't think that i am obsessed with Kingdom Hearts. It's just 'love' all over again. Especially towards Sora-kun. ><
Well, till here !

xiaozharbor 'ethyl

You got me, Lovestruck
@ 21:33

9/1/10 ♥

Ciaossu !

No school today as it is Teachers Day !

Okay, firstly... Shan and Cindy came over to do our Homeecons Project Work. Instead of really concentrating, we really slacked like hell. HAHA ! After slacked like for 1 hour plus, watched the movive 'Aladdin'. Shan really loved that movie. Made a lot of funny sounds and squeals during the movie. But it's a good thing she enjoyed the movie though... XP Anyway, after the movie...went to White Sands for some Window Shopping. Shopped until 5:30. Home sweet home after that.

Thanks Shan and Cindy for making me laugh like ke-siao today. I never thought that i would have such a terrible stomach ache after all that laughter and jokes. :D Really love you girls ! <3
Well, till here !

xiaozharbor 'ethyl

You got me, Lovestruck
@ 02:59

8/31/10 ♥

Ciaossu !

Computer Applications(CPA) learned about some Prgramme.


Mother Tongue as usual, never listen to teacher. :D

Maths had our Common Test.

Physical Education(PE) played our own games for like 15 minutes.

After School:
Went to slack with Shan until 2:30. Went back to Pasir Ris for a while, met up with Qian Qian. Long time no see her already. 3:30 home sweet home.

I can't believe that i chicken-ed out on the opportunity that i had to tell him. Being a girl, even though i wanted to tell him, i just did not have teh guts to really tell him. But i will eventually. I just hope that he will feel the same way and that i will tell him before the September Holidays. Or at least before the end of the year.
Well, till here !

xiaozharbor 'ethyl

You got me, Lovestruck
@ 02:25

8/30/10 ♥

Ciaossu !

Mother Tongue Common Test today, it was rather challenging but i know that i will fail. :D

Computer Applications(CPA) very boring, stayed in the classroom.

English Mr Imran showed us a video about Going to School in other countries or something. -,-


Science did our own revision and maybe watched Incredible Tales.

Mother Tongue bored.

Maths did revision.


After School:
Slacked with Shan and Shahin at the Void Deck. Met up with Cindy and Xin Jing at the bus stop. 4:30++ home sweet home.

Boy, i might tell you 'i love you' tomorrow, but i am praying that at the same time, you feel the same way i do towards you. Because i am not ready for another rejection. Not only that, i made a deal with someone and i can't back out now. I do hope that you understand and that you feel the same way i do towards you.
Well, till here !

xiaozharbor 'ethyl

You got me, Lovestruck
@ 02:15

8/27/10 ♥

Ciaossu !

Mother Tongue laughed like nobody's business. Chen Lao Shi also did not really care.

3D Animation Ms Grace was absent.


Music had a chat with Shan, Cindy and Widya.

Home Econs had our Common Test and after that discussed about our Project Work.

After School:
Went to slack with the girls. After had lunch, Cindy went off first. Went to the Library and saw Zheng Guang so decided to chat about stuff. 3:30 home sweet home.

Zheng Guang, i know you want the best for me but this deal is just too much for me to handle right now. Please think of some other way to encourage me. I need more time to think about what to do. Please understand. ):
Well, till here !

xiaozharbor 'ethyl

You got me, Lovestruck
@ 01:33

8/26/10 ♥

Ciaossu !

Science period had our commont test. It was quite okay , but i still lack some self- esteem. :P

English went to the Library to revise for our upcoming Tests.


Art Mr Khairyl did not come so , made a lot of noise. Boy , Mr Wong was furious. :D

Social Studies Mr Kadir shared his experience about his days at the Youth Olympic Games Friendship Camp or something like that. -.-

Maths was punished. -.-

After School :

Slacked with the girls , did our crazy stuff blah blah blah. Found a supermarket Trolley and played with it like small children. But sadly , i shamed myself. D: Hope those people that saw what happened to me don't think that i am childish or anything. Thanks to Ozie and Shafiq for tipping the Trolley and embarassing me in front of the other 2H people. >< I am rather loud these few days , so i'll try to be less loud even though i know it's impossible. So i need your support people ! But i won't be THAT quiet , just slightly quieter then now. :D
Well , till here !

xiaozharbor 'ethyl

You got me, Lovestruck
@ 02:47

8/25/10 ♥

Ciaossu !

Science lesson was told to do our own revision. At the parade ground. -.-

Conversational Mother Tongue(CMT) had our English Aided Free Writing. Went crazy when i was writing the composition. :P


English continued with Common Test , thanks to Amirul for disturbing me during the test. >:)

Flint went for Hip-Hop as usual. -.-

After School :

Ate lunch with Shahin and Xin Jing. After that home sweet home. Till' here blog readers !

-xiaozharbor 'ethyl

You got me, Lovestruck
@ 02:16

8/23/10 ♥

Ciaossu !

Hello dear readers , lately this blog has been dead. Obviously. But i will do you all a favour and update again. :D

-Computer Applications (CPA) lesson had to try our best to finish up our project.
-English Mr Imran did not come. How good is that ?! :D
-Science was rather boring. -.-
-Mother Tongue Chen Lao Shi also never come. So , got bullied by almost the whole class. Especially Don Yeo ! :P
-Maths went to Science Laboratory for self-revision.

After School :

Went to slack with Shan and the others. After slacking , home sweet home. :D

-xiaozharbor 'ethyl

You got me, Lovestruck
@ 02:12

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